What is the reinforced sheet or membrane ?

What does it consist of. Know more.

What is the reinforced sheet or membrane for swimming pools ?

The reinforced sheet or membrane is one of the most common alternatives for lining swimming pools. It is taking leaps and bounds in the rehabilitation of swimming pools, even in newly built swimming pools.

The reinforced sheet is the ideal solution in rehabilitation to solve water loss problems, at the same time that it serves as a finish, since it has multiple finishes, from, for example, unicolor to those that resemble beach sand or marble finishes.

At iPool Center Alicante we explain what the reinforced sheet consists of:

It is generally a double PVC-P membrane (plasticized PVC), with an intermediate polyester mesh, of very different thicknesses and characteristics depending on the manufacturer. The PVC membrane, fundamentally, stands out for its waterproofing capacity, elasticity and resistance. Resistance to possible movements or expansions, adverse weather conditions and the regular use of chemicals in pool water. The intermediate mesh provides rigidity and robustness to the material, allowing a greater capacity to sustain cracks and movement of the vessel.

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If what you are looking for is to enjoy a beautiful pool, without problems and with almost no maintenance, at iPool Center we recommend a reinforced sheet or membrane because:

1.- It is installed on any surface
2.- It is installed cleanly, without noise and in half the time of any other type of coating.
3.- Its maintenance is almost nil.
4.- It is ideal for renovating swimming pools or for places with difficult access.
5.- Neither the size nor the shape matters.
6.- Great waterproof insulation capacity.
7.- Exceptional resistance to microorganisms, chemical products and UV rays.
8.- Very high degree of customization, as you can choose from an infinite number of designs (smooth, patterned, matte, glossy, textured, etc…).
9.- Very resistant and durable.
10.- The reinforced sheet or membrane pools at iPool Center Alicante adapt to all your needs.

At iPoolCenter Alicante we are recognized installers of reinforced sheet or membrane. 

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